Shooting rampage, the U.S. Forces Kill Iraqi Civilians


Monday, November 29, 2010, 05:46 GMT
BAGHDAD - An Iraqi civilian was killed after U.S. troops opened fire on his car on Sunday (28/11). He was shot blindly when trying to approach a military convoy near Baghdad airport, a few yards from a U.S. military base in the country.
According to U.S. military representatives in Baghdad, his party had recently tried to stop a civilian vehicle was. But the vehicle kept moving with high speed and close to the convoy.
"The driver failed to slow the vehicle and turned on the lights to the convoy," said the U.S. military. "As a result, the vehicle was considered a threat. The convoy was forced to stop and protect the convoy from possible attack."
Meanwhile, according to the local Interior Ministry victims are civilians. He worked as an engineer at the Baghdad airport.
Although the period has ended its operations in Iraq, U.S. forces often seen patrolling in some areas in Iraq. They are on duty to advise and train Iraqi forces.

Source: Republika


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