Status of Pluto Planet


Should Pluto Planet Classified Again? Saturday, November 20, 2010 | 20:22 pm
 Pluto has been kicked out of his status as a planet since the release of provisions of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) on the terms of celestial bodies to be designated as planets.
Some conditions are specific star orbit, have enough mass to have its own gravity, not too large so as to cause thermonuclear fusion, and had emptied the orbit so as not to be occupied by other celestial bodies is greater.
The emergence of the provision itself is one of them relates to the discovery of Eris in 2005. Eris was said to have a size larger than Pluto.
After approximately 4 years of Pluto not a planet anymore, now the debate about the status of Pluto as a planet re-warmed. site held a poll on his website. The poll titled "Who Should Pluto As a Planet Refunded?"
The poll was held regarding the new findings about the dwarf planet Eris recently. The researchers say, the notion that Eris is larger than Pluto might be wrong, because based on research results Pluto may have a size larger than Eris.
Scientists say that after watching the recent Eris. Based on that observation, the length of the occultation Eris might only 2340 miles, smaller than Pluto occultation length of 2342 kilometers. That is, the size of Pluto may be greater.
A number of researchers in the publication has a different response to questions on these polls. "I classify Pluto as other objects in the Kuiper Belt. I think he's happier there. He has a brother," said Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the New York City's Hayden Planetarium.
Meanwhile, Alan Stern, a scientist from the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colo. said, "If you strictly follow the requirements of the IAU, no sky objects that can be said planet. There is no celestial bodies really 'clean' orbit."
Lay people who post comments on this topic also has a different opinion. Some people have argued that Pluto should not be a planet because the IAU says it is based on the mass and orbital inclination.
Well, what is your opinion? So far 44% of people who participated in the referendum argued that Pluto should be a planet, while 36% think Pluto should not be a planet.20% of people decide to wait for results only.

READ MORE - Status of Pluto Planet

U.S. Nuclear Weapons

Saturday, 11/20/2010 15:26 pm U.S. allocates $ 85 Billion For Nuclear Weapons Complex
  Washington - The U.S. government intends to allocate more than $ 85 billion over the next decade to modernize its nuclear weapons complex.
"This funding level unprecedented since the end of the Cold War," a statement the White House as reported by site on Saturday (11/20/2010).
According to the White House, the National Nuclear Security Agency or the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) lost 20 percent of its purchasing power during the reign of former president George W. Bush. NNSA is the agency charged with ensuring the safety and reliability of U.S. nuclear arsenal.
NNSA has said it is committed to modernizing the U.S. nuclear arsenal and has received support from the White House.
President Barack Obama asked for funds amounting to U.S. $ 7 billion to fund the NNSA during 2011, reflecting an increase of nearly 10 percent from a year earlier.
In addition to these funds, as much as U.S. $ 600 million more will be added to fund the NNSA in 2012. White House says it is part of the proposal amounted to U.S. $ 85 billion over the next decade.
Funding proposals submitted by the White House is the amount greater than U.S. $ 4.1 billion financing plan submitted to U.S. lawmakers earlier this year.

READ MORE - U.S. Nuclear Weapons

Victims of Merapi


31 Victims Identified Merapi
Sunday, November 7, 2010 9:22 pm
Merapi Victims IdentifiedYogyakarta (ANTARA News) - Forensic Team Dr Sardjito Disaster Victim Identification team assisted the Regional Police (Polda) Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) on Sunday, has managed to identify the name of the 31 victims died from the eruption of Mount Merapi on Friday morning (5 / 11 .) 

Here are the names of victims who died were identified from 81 bodies in the Forensic Hospital Dr Sardjito Installation:

 Asrori (26), male resident Purwosari, Puring, Kebumen 

 Septiani Nur Rahma Princess (20), women, population Bronggang, Argomulyo, Cangkringan, Sleman 

 Suroto Banar, women, population Cangkringan, Sleman 

 Edi Hantoro (28), male, resident Bronggang, Argomulyo, Cangkringan, Sleman 

 Poncho Kardi (59), male, resident Bronggang, Argomulyo, Cangkringan, Sleman 

 Suroso (30), male, resident Cangkringan, Sleman 

 Faif Adi Saputro (16/20), male, resident Plumbon, Sleman 

 Yeni Fatimah Ekasari (20), women, population Bronggang, Argomulyo, Sleman 

 Ruslani (29), resident Bronggang, Argomulyo, Sleman 

 Prawiro Misih, Gungan population, Wukirsari, Cangkringan, Sleman 

 Srono paino (70), male, resident Gungan, Wukirsari, Cangkringan, Sleman 

 Lili Yulianto (16), male, resident Kentingan, Ngemplak 

 Prawiro Suharto (65), women, population Argomulyo 

 Ninik (27), women, population Gadingan Argomulyo Cangkringan 

 Eka Paksi bagasse (11), male, resident Gadingan Argomulyo Cangkringan 

 Gimah (40), women, population Gadingan Argomulyo Cangkringan 

 Eko Kurniawan (15) male, resident Gadingan Argomulyo Cangkringan 

 Ipah Vitri Astuti (10) female population Argomulyo Gadingan Cangkringan 

 Bagasse (16) male, resident Bronggang Cangkringan 

 Muhammad Firdan (4) male, resident Gadingan Argomulyo Cangkringan 

 Suparjo (50) male, resident Plumbon Sinduarjo Ngemplak 

 Tri Waluyo (40) male, resident Gadingan Argomulyo Cangkringan 

 Mintoharjo (80) male, resident Bronggang Argomulyo Cangkringan 

 Rejosuwito (70) male, resident Plumbon Sindumartani Ngemplak 

 Ahmad Haryanto (20) male, resident Plumbon Sindumartani Ngemplak 

 Tugilah (20) women, population Gayam Argomulyo Cangkringan 

 Wiryadi Santosa (30) male, resident Bronggang Argomulyo Cangkringan 

 Sugeng Budi Riyad (29) male, resident Gadingan Argomulyo Cangkringan 

 Sukarmi (50) women, population Sindumartani Ngemplak FADs 

 Lili Goddess Anjarwati (24) female 

 Riski Adilia Pratt (35) women. 


READ MORE - Victims of Merapi

Mentawai Tsunami

Tsunami Mentawai

Shocks in the Mentawai tsunami more than 7 magnitude scale resulted in the emergence ricter
victims of local people and foreign nationals. Reportedly there were about nine people who become surfers tsunami victims. They were declared missing after the boat they were traveling hit by waves, while incidence of these surfers are on the Mentawai to surf. According to news obtained from survivors, two ships carrying Australian citizen The clashing after hit by a wave. Both ships were on fire until all passengers missing, and so far there has been no news about the existence of such victims.

Mentawai Tsunami, Tsunami which hit South North Pagai happened 15 minutes after the earthquake 7.2 on the Richter Scale was also damaged several areas in Mentawai District, Area resorts Macaroni reportedly heavily damaged by the tsunami, Cruise ships carrying foreign tourists are also reportedly still missing contacts.

Already Mentawai Tsunami kills 108 people and 502 Missing, The death toll from tsunami in the Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra, grows to 108 people, including two Australians. While the victim missing to reach 502 people. This data is successfully collected official reports from the scene.
3-meter-high tsunami swept the Mentawai Islands on Monday (25/10) Tsunami following the 7.2 Richter magnitude earthquake that shook the West Sumatra Indonesia. The tsunami waves reached as high as 46 cm Padang only.

READ MORE - Mentawai Tsunami

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